Qatar Medical Physics Society (QaMPS) in collaboration with Occupational Health and Safety Department celebrated the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) 2022. Most medical physicists from...
The Medical Physics Unit at the Department of Radiology and Molecular Imaging in Sultan Qaboos Comprehensive Cancer Care and Research Center celebrated the International Medical Physics Day on the...
The goal of the “6th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection (ICRP 2021+1)” is focused on the radiological protection is for everyone, to protect people and the environment...
Dr. Rabih Hammoud, MEFOMP Treasurer has been awarded the International Organization of Medical Physics (IOMP) International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) award for the year 2022. Dr. Hammoud was...
Dr. Nabaa Naji, was awarded MEFOMP Outreach and Engagement Award 2022, during the International day of Medical Physics (IDMP) 2022 celebration. The award is given to a medical physicist from the...
Dr. Hadi Fayad, was awarded MEFOMP Young Scientist Award 2022 during the International day of Medical Physics (IDMP) 2022 celebration held in Doha, Qatar, the award was presented by Dr. Huda Al...
as part of the QaMPS celebrationof the IDMP 2022, Qatar Medical Physics Society (QaMPS) in collaboration with Hamad Medial Corporation (HMC) organized a workshop on radiation protection, which was...
QaMPS in collaboration with Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), conducted a four-day workshop on “Responding to Radiological or Nuclear Emergencies” from 9 to 12 October 2022. This workshop aims...
MEFOMP would like to announce about the upcoming event : Workshop Activity Brachytherapy Planning and QA, A Physicist Perspective in Kuwait The workshop will take place between 7-9...
MEFOMP would like to share and encouraging all colleagues to attended the upcoming Webinar in "Motion Management in Radiotherapy"which will held in 29 Sep 22 . MEFOMP would like to remind...