Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

QaMPS Organized a Workshop on Radon Detection

Qatar Medical Physics Society (QaMPS) has organized a training workshop on Radon Detection from 22 January to 2 February 2023. The workshop was followed by hands-on measurement and monitoring in government hospitals in state of Qatar.  The aim of this workshop is to equip participants with knowledge about radon behavior, its associated risk and how to mitigate it.

Professor Riad Shweikani, an international radon expert and an IAEA expert in radiation safety, was the main speaker and facilitated the workshop. He shared his knowledge and practical experience and with the participants.

Radon is known to be a naturally occurring gas produced by the decay of the radioactive element radium. As radium is present throughout the earth crust, radon is found almost everywhere; however, being colorless, odorless, and tasteless, one cannot realize its presence and its risk.  As such, knowing radon presence in any facility will help ensure workers (including patients if in a healthcare facility) are not exposed more than permissible level that can cause associated health risks, as this gas is known to be the second leading cause lung cancer death. 

February 2nd 2023
mefomp reporter


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