Middle East Federation of Middle East Federation of
Middle East Federation of Organization of Medical Physics
Middle East Federation of Organizations of Medical Physics

Computed Tomography Workshop and Quality Control in Amman, Jordan

The Jordanian Associa-tion for Physicists in Medi-cine (JAPM) has recently conducted a training workshops June 8, 2019 held at Royal Hospital, Amman Jordan.

This one-day CME certi-fied workshop is focused on the needs of the medical imaging profes-sionals; including radiolo-gists, oncologists, medi-cal physicists, medical dosimetrists, radiog-raphers, technologists as well as researchers who are involved in the practice of diagnostic Computed Tomography imaging.

The course provided the practicing Medical Physicists with an overview of CT Physics and QC/QA. CT dose reduc-tion strategies were discussed to address the increasing concerns about radiation dose. Lectures were designed to convey information on physics, testing, and clinical practice, which also covered other important topics such as reg-ulations and quality assurance standards, both local and internationally.

July 11th 2019
mefomp reporter


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