MEFOMP Represented in ICRP 2021+1 in Canada

The goal of the “6th International Symposium on the System of Radiological Protection (ICRP 2021+1)” is focused on the radiological protection is for everyone, to protect people and the environment everywhere. To deliver the highest-quality program, and make the biggest impact, professionals from all parts of the world need to participate. ICRP recognize the value of meeting in person and building professional and personal connections. This is particularly important as ICRP embarks on the review and revision of its general recommendations. Radiological protection is inclusive and diverse, and the delegate list in this symposium should be no different.
MEFOMP was represented last week in the ICRP 2021+1 in Vancouver, Canada from 7 to 10 November 2022, by presenting a very important poster in the conference, the poster title is “Cumulative radiation doses for patients undergoing recurrent PET-CT examinations” by Dr Huda Al Naemi, Dr Antar Aly and Dr Hassan Kharita from Qatar, the poster attracted high number of the physicists asking about the middel east medical physicists experience in this field. Dr Huda Al Naemi the past presedant of MEFOMP atteneded ICRP 2021+1 in Canada.

November 12th 2022
mefomp reporter