IUPAP Young Scientist Award in Medical Physics 2021

The MEFOMP is pleased inform you about the announcement of the IUPAP Young Scientist Award 2021. This award was established and funded by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and is awarded by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) as the IUPAP affiliated International Commission for Medical Physics.

The Award will include a cash prize of 1000 Euro, an IUPAP medal and the IOMP certificate. The Award does not include any travel or conference expenses for the recipient.  In addition, a short biography of the Awardee will be published in Medical Physics World.

The closing date for nominations is noon (EST) on 26 July 2021.

For more information about Criteria for selection and Nominating Procedure please see attached file.

IOMP_IUPAP-award-2021-final (1).docx  (36.55 KB)

May 30th 2021
mefomp reporter