The officers
1- President-elect: Meshari AlNuaimi ----------------------------- Kuwait
2- Past President: Huda ALNaemi ----------------------------------- Qatar
1- President-elect: Meshari AlNuaimi ----------------------------- Kuwait
2- Past President: Huda ALNaemi ----------------------------------- Qatar
3- Vice President: Mohammad Hassan Kharita ----- Syria
4- Secretary-General: Refat Al Mazrou -------------- KSA
5- Treasurer: Rabih Hammoud ------------------------ Lebanon
Chairs of Committees Science Committee: Mustafa Al-Musawi -------------------- Iraq Education and Training Committee: Riad Shweikani -----Syria Professional relations Committee: Hitahm Kanan -------- Jordan Publications Committee: Habib Ashoor --------------------- Bahrain Awards and Honors Committee: Zakyia Alrahbi ----------- Oman Website and Newsletter Committee: Nabil Iqielan ------ Jordan Women in Medical Physics Committee: Roaa Sindi ------- KSA 4- Secretary-General: Refat Al Mazrou -------------- KSA
5- Treasurer: Rabih Hammoud ------------------------ Lebanon