2022 European Congress of Medical Physics

MEFOMP would like to announce that the 4th European congress of Medical Physics will be held in Dublin from 17 to 20 August 2022.

The theme of ECMP 2022 is Multiple Energies, Single Patient Focus. This represents the many strands of medical physics, which all operate at different energies and strengths and how, when they come together, they maximise the benefit to every patient. Ireland is an island nation with a strong history of sharing knowledge and connecting people. Here, we are all well aware of the importance of science without borders. The idea of the 2022 Congress is to reflect this connectivity between physicists and the sense of community.

EFOMP represents more than 9000 medical physicists and clinical engineers working in the field of medical physics. Through ECMP we hope to connect these physicists and those from other nations.

MEFOMP is encouraging all health professionals to participate in this important event. For further information see link below:


July 27th 2022
mefomp reporter